

【オンライン】国際交流カフェ「ナイジェリアの人権活動家が、デモの現状と警察の暴力について語る! #EndSARs Human rights on the frontlines: An activist's story on the fight against police brutality in Nigeria! 」

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  4. 【オンライン】国際交流カフェ「ナイジェリアの人権活動家が、デモの現状と警察の暴力について語る! #EndSARs Human rights on the frontlines: An activist's story on the fight against police brutality in Nigeria! 」








Through October 2020 thousands of Nigerians joined mass protests demanding freedom of expression, the end of corruption, end of police brutality. People gathered under the slogan #EndSARs, an infamous police unit known for its brutality and unlawful practices. Their protests and demands were met with brutal violence and rounds of live ammunition.

Our guest Imoleayo Michael is one of the protesters and victims of police brutality. Twenty armed men raided his home in the middle of the night and threaten his seven-month-old son, wife and elderly mother. He was held in an underground cell for 41 days without access to a lawyer or his family. While in custody, Imoleayo was cuffed, blindfolded, chained to a steel cabinet and suffered pneumonia. He is now on trial. If convicted, Imoleayo could face up to three years in prison. Imoleayo Michael is one of many people at risk of punishment for speaking out in Nigeria.

Join us and support Imoleayo in his struggle against police brutality, for justice and human rights!


2022年3月11日(金) 20:00-21:30/Friday, 11 March 2022 20:00-21:30


YouTubeとFacebookでライブ配信/Online: Amnesty International Japan's official YouTube and Facebook


時間になったら下記にアクセスしてください/Please click on the link below to access live stream


無料/Free of charge

講師プロフィール:イモレアヨ・マイケルさんさん/Speaker Profile: Imoleayo Michael


Imoleayo Michael is computer programmer and business owner from Abuja, Nigeria. He joined the protests in hope for achieving freedom of speech, ending corruption and brutal police violence. Shortly after his protest he was assaulted in his home by the police and detained. He is now facing trumped-up charges of 'conspiracy with others to disturb public peace' and 'disturbing public peace'.


このイベントはアムネスティの英語ボランティアグループが主催しています。もっと知りたい、参加したい方は、以下までご連絡ください。/This event is brought to you by our various English-speaking Amnesty volunteer groups throughout the country! Click below to find more about us:

Osaka: Amnesty International Osaka Multicultural Group95
Tokyo: Amnesty International Tokyo English Language Network
Nagoya: Amnesty International Nagoya Multicultural Group


Email amnestyosaka@gmail.com