

  • 要事前申込
【オンライン】ユース向け参加型ワークショップ「アマゾンを守る者を守れ!人権派弁護士ドンジガーさんと学ぶ / Protect those who protect the Amazon! Interactive youth workshop with human rights lawyer Steven Donziger」※英語のみ

  1. ホーム
  2. あなたにできること
  3. イベントに参加する
  4. 【オンライン】ユース向け参加型ワークショップ「アマゾンを守る者を守れ!人権派弁護士ドンジガーさんと学ぶ / Protect those who protect the Amazon! Interactive youth workshop with human rights lawyer Steven Donziger」※英語のみ

スティーブン・ドンジガーさん © Steven Donziger




  • アマゾンの環境問題とそれが現地住民の人権に与える影響
  • 米国で人権活動家や弁護士が大企業に標的にされている実態
  • 私たちに何ができるのか

Steven Donziger successfully fought the big oil company Chevron in court after they dumped oil on indigenous lands in Ecuador. In an apparent retaliation for his work on behalf of those indigenous communities, he had been under house arrest for almost 1000 days. The detention followed a long-running smear campaign against Steven Donziger by Chevron. In the meantime, Chevron is yet to pay for damage they have caused and were ordered to pay for -- $9.5 billion US dollars!

We have organized an interactive workshop for youth with Steven Donziger, who will talk about his work for the Indigenous people in Ecuador, why he is being targeted and harassed and why it is so important that we support him in his struggle.

In this workshop, you will learn:

  • What environmental injustices happened in the Ecuadorian Amazon and the results and consequences and how people stand up against it
  • How human rights defenders like Steven Donziger are targeted and harassed by big corporations
  • How to to take action for activists like Steven Donziger and what we all can do to protect him and the people in the Ecuadorian Amazon

This workshop will be interactive and participatory, meaning it won't be one of those boring one-way lectures. Instead, you will be able to actively learn from your peers as well as from our guest speaker.


2022年5月27日(金) 20:00-21:30/Friday, 27 May 2022 20:00-21:30


オンライン(Google Meet)


無料/Free of charge


人権と環境問題に興味があり、楽しく学びたい16歳~30歳の方。英語レベル:TOEICスコア650~800(目安) ※英語のレベルについて不安な方は、お気軽にお問い合わせください。/Anyone between the age of 16-30 interested in the issue of environmental justice and human rights.This workshop will be held in English. We recommend that participants have at least a conversational level of English. Please contact us if you are unsure if your English level is commensurate with this standard.

定員/Number of participants

30人まで/Maximum of 30 people



スピーカープロフィール:スティーブン・ドンジガーさん/Steven Donziger

米国の弁護士、環境保護活動家。シェブロン社による石油不法投棄により、深刻な被害を受けた住民が起こした訴訟で、原告側の弁護を引き受け勝訴した。その後シェブロンの報復に遭い、米国での裁判の末、約1000日間にわたり自宅軟禁状態にあった。ドンジガーさんは4月25日、刑期を満了し自由の身となった。/Steven Donziger is a US lawyer and environmental rights defender who has represented victims of oil dumping in a case against Chevron Corporation in Ecuador. He was finally released from house arrest on April 25th, after he was detained for almost 1000 days following a long-running smear campaign against him by Chevron.


▽ 下記のフォームからお申し込みください。


登録後、このワークショップへの参加が承認されたかどうかをメールでお知らせします。登録されてから数日後に送信されます。※メールアドレスの入力に間違いがないか、十分ご確認ください。/After registering, you will receive an email from us whether your participation for this workshop has been approved. This should come a couple of days after you registered. Please make sure your email address is correct. We are looking forward to seeing you!


公益社団法人アムネスティ・インターナショナル日本/Amnesty International Japan
E-mail: camp@amnesty.or.jp