Update info:
24 Aug 2012 (Suspended)
Latest info:
13 Jul 2012
Ussumah Mohammed
Gender m/f: Male
24 Sep 2012
Distribution date:
24 Aug 2012
UA No:

Sudan’s National Security Services (NSS) released Sudanese youth activist Ussamah Mohammed on 16 August, after eight weeks in detention.

Ussamah Mohammed was arrested by the NSS on 22 June in Khartoum, the capital, hours after he had criticised the government in a video published on Al Jazeera TV. After being held in the custody of the NSS, Ussamah Mohammed was transferred to Kober prison and held in the section for political prisoners. Throughout his detention, he faced no charges and was denied access to a lawyer. Amnesty International considered him a prisoner of conscience, held solely for exercising his right to freedom of expression. Amnesty International has reason to believe he was subjected to torture and other ill-treatment while in detention, including severe beatings to the wrist, back and face.
Ussamah Mohammed has expressed his gratitude to all the activists who campaigned for him.

Many thanks to all who sent appeals. No further action is required.

This is the first update of UA 203/12. Further information: http://amnesty.org/en/library/info/AFR54/032/2012/en

Name: Ussumah Mohammed
Gender m/f: Male


Further information on UA: 203/12 Index: AFR 54/041/2012 Issue Date: 23 August 2012