Update info:
24 Aug 2012 (Suspended)
Latest info:
19 Jul 2012
Mohammed Salah Mohammed
Gender m/f: Male
24 Sep 2012
Distribution date:
24 Aug 2012
UA No:

Sudanese student activist Mohammed Salah Mohammed was released on 11 August. He had been held in detention since 24 June.

Twenty plain-clothed security agents had arrested Mohammed Salah Mohammed, aged 23, while he was eating dinner with two friends in the al-Riyadh neighbourhood of Khartoum on 24 June 2012. Mohammed Salah Mohammed and his friends were beaten during their arrest. His friends were soon released, but Mohammed Salah Mohammed remained in detention until 11 August. He was not charged and had no access to a lawyer.

Mohammed Salah Mohammed is a student at the University of Khartoum's Faculty of Sciences. He is the spokesperson of the Student Democratic Front at the university and the President of the Nubians’ regional student association (a group of minority students from the Nubian region in north Sudan). He took part in peaceful protests against the government in the week before his arrest.

Many thanks to all who sent appeals. No further action is required.

This is the first update of UA 216/12. Further information: http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/info/AFR54/033/2012/en

Name: Mohammed Salah Mohammed
Gender m/f: Male


Further information on UA: 216/12 Index: AFR 54/042/2012 Issue Date: 23 August 2012