Update info:
17 Jul 2014 (Suspended)
Latest info:
8 Jul 2014
Anastasia Stanko (f) and Ilya Bezkorovaini (m)
Gender: both
17 Aug 2014
Distribution date:
17 Jul 2014
UA No:

Ukrainian journalists Anastasia Stanko and Ilya Bezkorovaini were released on 2 July. They have subsequently revealed that they were ill-treated. 

Journalists Anastasia Stanko and Ilya Bezkorovaini, abducted by armed group members on 30 June and held captive in Luhansk, east Ukraine, were released on 2 July despite being charged the previous day with “spying for the Ukrainian army” by the leader of the so-called “Luhansk People’s Republic”, Valeriy Bolotov. Following their release, he announced that the two journalists had been freed due to appeals from three Russian television stations. 

In a televised interview given on their return to Kyiv, the journalists said that they had been blindfolded and kept in a basement. 

No further action is required from the UA network. Amnesty International will continue to monitor events in east Ukraine and issue further actions, when possible. Many thanks to those who sent appeals.

This is the first update of UA 168/14. Further information: www.amnesty.org/en/library/info/EUR50/031/2014/en


Name: Anastasia Stanko (f) and Ilya Bezkorovaini (m)

Gender m/f: both

Further information on UA: 168/14 Index: EUR 50/032/2014 Issue Date: 7 July 2014