SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC: Spiralling Syria death toll reports‘disturbing’

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  3. SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC: Spiralling Syria death toll reports‘disturbing’
25 Mar 2011
Topic: Year of Rebellion Human rights in the Middle East and North Africa
The Syrian government must ensure its security forces end attacks on protesters and others during ongoing unrest , Amnesty International said today amid reports of mass casualties in the town of Dera’a .
“ We are deeply disturbed by reports of multiple deaths in Dera’a , with security forces firing at protesters and people coming to the aid of the injured with apparent disregard for human life ,” said Philip Luther , Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa .

“ The Syrian authorities’ response to dissent has been swift and brutal . They must ensure security forces immediately halt use of excessive force and allow peaceful protesters to assemble and demonstrate freely .”

In the last 24 hours , security forces have reportedly killed dozens of people in and around Dera’a , including when they shot at hundreds of youths on the northern edge of the town yesterday afternoon .

Earlier that day , an attack by government forces on a sit-in at the town’s‘Omari mosque led to the deaths of at least seven people .

24 March 2011

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