© Amnesty International
News Release
- International SecretariatREPUBLIC OF CROATIA:EU complicit in violence and abuse by police against refugees and migrants
- 22 March 2019 / Region:REPUBLIC OF CROATIA / Topic:Refugees and Migrants
- International SecretariatKYRGYZ REPUBLIC:Ratification of CRPD opens new opportunities to hundreds of thousands
- 20 March 2019 / Region:KYRGYZ REPUBLIC / Topic:International human rights law
- International SecretariatKINGDOM OF BAHRAIN:Opposition leader sentenced for “publicly insulting” Sudanese president
- 19 March 2019 / Region:KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN / Topic:
- International SecretariatFEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL:Arrests are first sign of progress in investigation into killing of Marielle Franco
- 16 March 2019 / Region:FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL / Topic:
- International SecretariatUNITED STATES OF AMERICA:Governor Signs Moratorium on Executions
- 15 March 2019 / Region:UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Topic:Abolition of the Death Penalty
- International SecretariatKINGDOM OF THAILAND:Decision to dissolve political party shows restrictive environment for human rights
- 14 March 2019 / Region:KINGDOM OF THAILAND / Topic:
- International SecretariatARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT:Activists, government critics hit by wave of digital attacks
- 14 March 2019 / Region:ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT / Topic:
- International SecretariatREPUBLIC OF SUDAN:State of emergency intensifies brutal government crackdown on protests
- 7 March 2019 / Region:REPUBLIC OF SUDAN / Topic:
- International SecretariatKINGDOM OF DENMARK: Pervasive “rape culture” and endemic impunity for rapists exposed
- 5 March 2019 / Region:KINGDOM OF DENMARK / Topic:Women's Rights
- International SecretariatISRAEL AND THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES/PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY:Findings of UN inquiry into Gaza killings must pave way for justice over war crimes
- International SecretariatREPUBLIC OF RWANDA:Police officers remain free while protesting Congolese refugees face jail time
- 1 March 2019 / Region:REPUBLIC OF RWANDA / Topic:Refugees and Migrants
- International SecretariatBOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA:Hunger, punishment and fear, the formula for repression used by authorities under Nicolás Maduro
- 28 February 2019 / Region:BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA / Topic:
- International SecretariatNauru: Deterring essential medical transfers risks deadly consequences
- 25 February 2019 / Region: / Topic:Refugees and Migrants
- International SecretariatKINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA:European Parliament calls on EU countries to step up defence of women’s rights activists
- 21 February 2019 / Region:KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA / Topic:Women's Rights
- International SecretariatREPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES:Arrest warrant against Rappler’s Maria Ressa shows authorities ‘railroading’ case
- 20 February 2019 / Region:REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES / Topic:
- International SecretariatREPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES:Lowering criminal age to 12 could ‘tear families apart’
- 15 February 2019 / Region:REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES / Topic:
- International SecretariatISRAEL AND THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES/PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY:Tourism companies driving settlement expansion, profiting from war crimes
- International SecretariatCrimea: YouTube must not cooperate with Russia’s persecution of activists
- 13 February 2019 / Region: / Topic:Indigenous people Minority group
- International SecretariatUN: Act to End China’s Mass Detentions in Xinjiang
- 10 February 2019 / Region: / Topic:Indigenous people Minority group
- International SecretariatREPUBLIC OF YEMEN:UAE recklessly supplying militias with windfall of Western arms
- 9 February 2019 / Region:REPUBLIC OF YEMEN / Topic:Regional conflict