

【Online】Climate Change and Refugees. Where to go from Here?/気候変動と難民 ここからどこへ行くべきか?

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  4. 【Online】Climate Change and Refugees. Where to go from Here?/気候変動と難民 ここからどこへ行くべきか?

Climate Change and Refugees. Where to go from Here?/気候変動と難民 ここからどこへ行くべきか?




2020 was a treacherous and trying year.

While the spread of Coronavirus will hopefully abate, there may be a temptation to assume that all is well with the world once it does. While it's understandable to feel this way after the past traumatic twelve months we've traversed, there are still many outstanding debits that require global attention. The trial of Derek Chauvin in the US and the ongoing battle for racial justice, the coup in Myanmar, the continuation of the 5 year civil war in Yemen are a triplet of global maelstroms yet to be resolved, but many more could be listed here. One issue that still remains outstanding is one that gained attention in the Global North in 2015, but is still one that has yet to be tackled in a holistic way is the global refugee and migrant crisis. As of the end of 2019, there were 79.5 million displaced people worldwide. While 24.6 million of those included in this figure were refugees who were acknowledged under the UNHCR's mandate, the number not included in these statistics could be much greater. On top of that, many asylum seekers are still stuck in decrepit camps in places such as Lesvos, Moria or Cox's Bazaar or in dangerous cities like Juarez on the US-Mexican border.

However, would you be surprised to know that climate change plays a role in midwifing the forced mass migration of people? 26.4 million people are internally displaced yearly due to weather related disasters since 2008. In 2018, a World Bank report posited that we could see as many as 143 million people from the regions of Sub Saharan Africa, South Asia and Latin America could move or moving as a consequence of climate change. However, this only covers those forced to move within their own country and in three regions. What of those crossing borders?

Join us on the 24th of April to discuss what the climate crisis is, how it is affecting our planet now and how it will affect it in the future, how it is creating and will create more refugees, why this is important for all of us no matter where we live, and how we can help mitigate climate change both individually and collectively. Joining us will be:
○ Nazwa Tahsin, a Bangladeshi research fellow associated with the Institute of Water and Flood Management, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and a research assistant with experience in the field of climate refugees and environmental migrants
○ Dana Marie Perez, founder of the Open Letters for the Environment campaign run out of the Philippines, and the CEO and founder of Sustainability Hero, a business that promotes the use of reusable and environmentally sustainable products.


Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 11:30 AM
2021年4月24日(土) 11:30-13:00




  • 11:30 Greetings/挨拶
  • 11:35 Talk:Climate Change and the Global Refugee Crisis. Where to go from here?/気候変動と難民 (Glen Cowan)
  • 11:55 Break/休憩
  • 12:00 Panel Discussion on Bangladeshi Climate Migrants/バングラデシュの気候難民 (Nazwa Tahsin)
  • 12:25 Talk:How we can help mitigate climate change?/気候変動を防ぐ対策とは? (Dana Marie Perez)
  • 12:45 Q&A and discussion/質疑応答&ディスカッション

Speaker Profile/スピーカープロフィール

Glen Cowan/カオワン・グレン

Glen Cowan is member of Al Gore's Climate Reality Leadership Corps, as well as the convener of the Amnesty International Nagoya Multicultural Group. In addition to his activism to mitigate climate change, he is also an active campaigner for the rights of asylum seekers and refugees both in Japan and abroad./アムネスティ日本 名古屋多文化グループの運営担当。アル・ゴア氏のクライマット・リアリティー・リーダーシップ隊のメンバー。日本とオーストラリアにおいて、難民と庇護希望者に関する活動経験あり。

Nazwa Tahsin/ナズワ・タシン

Nazwa Tahsin is a Bangladeshi research fellow associated with the Institute of Water and Flood Management, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and a research assistant with experience in the field of climate refugees and environmental migrants./バングラデシュ工科大学の洪水管理研究所所属の研究員。助手として、気候・環境難民の分野における研究経験あり。

Dana Marie Perez/ペレズダナマリー

Dana Marie Perez is founder of the Open Letters for the Environment campaign run out of the Philippines, and the CEO and founder of Sustainability Hero, a business that promotes the use of reusable and environmentally sustainable products./フィリピンを中止に活動する環境保護キャンペーン「Open Letters for Environment」の創立者。再利用可能な商品を促進する会社「Sustainability Hero」の取締役。


Nagoya Multicultural Group/アムネスティ日本の名古屋多文化グループ