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【オンライン】国際交流カフェ「カンボジアで環境のために闘っている若者を守ろう!私たちができることとは? Stop the crackdown on social and environmental activists in Cambodia. How we all can help!」

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  4. 【オンライン】国際交流カフェ「カンボジアで環境のために闘っている若者を守ろう!私たちができることとは? Stop the crackdown on social and environmental activists in Cambodia. How we all can help!」








昨年9月に逮捕された環境活動家フォン・ケオラクスミーさんとスン・ラサさん。© Mother Nature Cambodia


Between September 2020 and June 2021, six youth environmental activists have been wrongfully imprisoned in Cambodia in retaliation for their peaceful activism. They are members of the environmental group Mother Nature Cambodia, which has fought to conserve Cambodia's precious natural resources in the face of relentless greed, corruption, and state repression. All six are now being held in overcrowded prison cells in which their human rights, health and safety continue to be put at risk.

In Cambodia, environmental activists face severe threats and repression from private companies and the authorities, in retaliation for protecting the environment, advocating for climate justice, and promoting the rights of Indigenous communities. The activists of Mother Nature Cambodia are no exception. Mother Nature Cambodia activists have faced a litany of repression in recent years, with many activists arbitrarily charged and imprisoned. Several of its activists have been imprisoned on baseless criminal charges of "incitement".

Cambodia is well-known for its precious natural resources including rainforests and lakes, and the preservation of these resources is vital both for the protection of the human rights of local communities, and to advance climate justice. The efforts of these brave young human rights defenders should be recognized and supported, not criminalized, and punished.

We have organized an online event with a co-founder of Mother Nature Cambodia, who will talk about the crackdown on social and environmental activists, why they are being targeted and arrested and why it is so important that we support them in their struggle.

Join us and support the people of Cambodia in their fight for justice, human rights and a healthy environment and learn how we all can help!


2021年8月20日(金) 19:00-20:30/Friday, 20 August 2021 19:00-20:30


無料/Free of charge



スピーカープロフィール/Speaker Profile

アレハンドロさんは、環境権の擁護者であり、環境NGOマザー・ネイチャー・カンボジアの共同創設者です。その活動のために、2015年にカンボジアを離れることを余儀なくされました。 2021年5月、「煽動と社会不安を引き起こした」罪で欠席裁判で有罪判決を受けました。裁判所に召喚され、裁判に出席したいと表明したにもかかわらず、カンボジアへの入国ビザを何度も拒否されました。マザー・ネイチャー・カンボジアは、カンボジアの自然環境の保全、促進、保護のために国内外で提唱およびキャンペーンを行う環境権団体であり、環境および人権活動家に機会を提供し、地元の漁師や先住民の権利を擁護することを支援しています。

Alejandro Gonzalez-Davidson
Alejandro is an environmental rights defender and co-founder of Mother Nature Cambodia. Due to his activism, he was forced to leave Cambodia in 2015 in currently lives in exile. In May 2021, he was convicted in absentia on charges of incitement and causing social unrest. Despite being summoned to court and despite his expressed desire to attend the trials against him, he was repeatedly denied visa for entry into Cambodia. Mother Nature Cambodia is an environmental rights organization that advocates and campaigns locally and internationally for the preservation, promotion and protection of Cambodia's natural environment, and provides opportunities for environmental and human rights defenders and supports local fishermen and indigenous communities defend their rights.


公益社団法人アムネスティ・インターナショナル日本/Amnesty International Japan

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