

【オンライン】ペルーの抗議活動家への弾圧を止めよう〜私たちができることとは〜/Stop the crackdown on protests in Peru - how we all can help!

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  4. 【オンライン】ペルーの抗議活動家への弾圧を止めよう〜私たちができることとは〜/Stop the crackdown on protests in Peru - how we all can help!





Nationwide protests sparked by the ouster and imprisonment of the first indigenous president Pedro Castillo have been brutally quashed by the Peruvian authorities. Security forces have repeatedly used unlawful force. Dozens of men and women have been killed, hundreds of others have sustained serious injuries.

Despite the brutal crackdown Peruvian people continue demanding their rights and significant socio-political changes.

We invited a member of Amnesty International Peru who will talk to us about the situation of human rights and about the protests with special focus on the social and economic inequalities in Peru.

Please join us for this event. It will be live streamed on YouTube and Facebook.

講師プロフィール Speaker profile

ヴァレンティーナ・ロカテッリさん/Valentina Locatelli


Valentina Locatelli: studied international relations, she specializes in peace culture, social cohesion and intercultural dialogue. Currently Valentina is working as human rights education coordinator at Amnesty international Peru. She has an intensive experience in online dialogue facilitation of intercultural programs.


2023年3月24日(金) 10:00-11:30/Date: March 24th (Friday) 10:00am - 11:30am JST


YouTubeとFacebookでライブ配信/Online: Amnesty International Japan's official YouTube and Facebook


時間になったら下記にアクセスしてください/Please click on the link below to access live stream

▽ YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/live/hMw29yFVBcc?feature=share
▽ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/amnesty.japan


英語(日本語通訳付)/English with Japanese interpretation


無料/Free of charge


このイベントはアムネスティの英語ボランティアグループが主催しています。もっと知りたい、参加したい方は、以下までご連絡ください。/This event is brought to you by our various English-speaking Amnesty volunteer groups throughout the country! Click below to find more about us:

Osaka: Amnesty International Osaka Multicultural Group95
Tokyo: Amnesty International Tokyo English Language Network
Nagoya: Amnesty International Nagoya Multicultural Group


Email amnestyosaka@gmail.com