- 最新情報:
- 2024年3月25日
- 更新履歴:
- 2021年2月25日 (更新情報)
- 2021年1月27日 (更新情報)
- 2020年8月28日 (更新情報)
- 2019年3月 2日 (更新情報)
- 2018年4月 9日
- 国名:
- 中国
- 対象者:
- 余文生(男性)
- 期限:
- 2024年4月30日
- 配信日:
- 2018年4月 9日
- UA No:
- 019/2018
北京の弁護士、余文生(Yu Wensheng)さんが、私選の弁護人と接見できないまま2カ月以上、勾留されている。江蘇省の公安局は、余さんの勾留を認めてはいるが、具体的な居場所は開示していない。余文生さんは、虐待や拷問を受けているおそれがある。
2月24日、妻の許艶(Xu Yan)さんは、深圳にある羅湖検問所から香港へ入ろうとしたが、これも「国家安全危害」の可能性があるとする北京市公安局の命令だとして、香港に入ることを認められなかった。中国の刑事訴訟法によると、警察が「国家安全危害」に関わる行為だと認知した場合、被告人は最大6カ月、弁護士との接見を認めない。
余文生さんは、北京の著名な人権派弁護士だ。世間の注目を集めた人権に関わる訴訟で何度も代理人を務めた。1月15日、余さんは 「弁護士事務所に雇われていた期間が6カ月に満たないため、弁護士資格をはく奪する」という文書を当局から受け取った。また余さんが法律事務所開設申請を出していたが、「共産党による統治に反対し、社会主義者による法治を激しく批判するコメントを繰り返したため、却下する」との文書も受け取った。
Dear Chief Li,
I am writing to express my grave concern for prominent human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng (余文生) and his wife Xu Yan(徐艳). The couple, both well-known activists in China, were taken into police custody while en route to the delegation of the European Union to China in Beijing on 13 April 2023, where they were to attend a meeting with the EU’s Ambassador to China. They were detained in Beijing Shijingshan Detention Centre from that date until January 2024, after which they were transferred to Suzhou Detention Centre in Jiangsu province, some 1000km away.
Yu and Xu were arrested for “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”, an overly broad crime which is widely used for targeting human rights defenders, journalists and dissidents. In October 2023, Yu Wensheng and Xu Yan were indicted on those charges, as well as an additional and more serious charge of “inciting subversion of state power.” There is no date set for their trial.
Xu Yan has reportedly lost 14kg since being detained and the conditions of her detention in Beijing may have constituted torture and other ill-treatment. She has been subjected to verbal abuse, including being intimidated by police who threatened to arrest her son if he undertakes advocacy on her and Yu’s case. Their son, who turned 18 just before their detention, has faced a serious deterioration of his mental health over the last year, and currently suffers from depression. Xu and Yu‘s transfer to Suzhou, nearly 1000km away from their home in Beijing, has exacerbated his isolation and the risk of further mental health impacts.
Yu Wensheng, a prisoner of conscience, and his wife Xu Yan are being detained solely for exercising their rights to freedom of expression.
I therefore call on you to:
Release both of them immediately and unconditionally, as they are being detained solely for peacefully exercising their human right to freedom of expression;
Pending their release, ensure they are not subjected to torture or other ill-treatment while in detention;
Ensure their son and other members of their family are not subjected to harassment and threats.
Yours sincerely,

- 最新情報:
- 2024年3月25日 (更新情報)
- 更新履歴:
- 2021年2月25日 (更新情報)
- 2021年1月27日 (更新情報)
- 2020年8月28日 (更新情報)
- 2019年3月 2日 (更新情報)
- 2018年4月 9日
- 国名:
- 中国
- 対象者:
- 余文生(男性)
- 期限:
- 2024年4月30日
- 配信日:
- 2019年3月 2日
- UA No:
- 019/2018
北京在住の人権派弁護士の余文生(Yu Wensheng)さんが2月1日、起訴され、公判を待つ身となった。起訴したことについての通達はなかった。余さんは、昨年1月に拘束されて以後、弁護人と面会ができず、虐待を受けてきたおそれがある。余さんは、表現の自由の権利を行使しただけで拘束されたのであり、即時、無条件に釈放されるべきだ。
Dear Chief Li,
I am writing to express my grave concern for prominent human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng (余文生) and his wife Xu Yan(徐艳). The couple, both well-known activists in China, were taken into police custody while en route to the delegation of the European Union to China in Beijing on 13 April 2023, where they were to attend a meeting with the EU’s Ambassador to China. They were detained in Beijing Shijingshan Detention Centre from that date until January 2024, after which they were transferred to Suzhou Detention Centre in Jiangsu province, some 1000km away.
Yu and Xu were arrested for “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”, an overly broad crime which is widely used for targeting human rights defenders, journalists and dissidents. In October 2023, Yu Wensheng and Xu Yan were indicted on those charges, as well as an additional and more serious charge of “inciting subversion of state power.” There is no date set for their trial.
Xu Yan has reportedly lost 14kg since being detained and the conditions of her detention in Beijing may have constituted torture and other ill-treatment. She has been subjected to verbal abuse, including being intimidated by police who threatened to arrest her son if he undertakes advocacy on her and Yu’s case. Their son, who turned 18 just before their detention, has faced a serious deterioration of his mental health over the last year, and currently suffers from depression. Xu and Yu‘s transfer to Suzhou, nearly 1000km away from their home in Beijing, has exacerbated his isolation and the risk of further mental health impacts.
Yu Wensheng, a prisoner of conscience, and his wife Xu Yan are being detained solely for exercising their rights to freedom of expression.
I therefore call on you to:
Release both of them immediately and unconditionally, as they are being detained solely for peacefully exercising their human right to freedom of expression;
Pending their release, ensure they are not subjected to torture or other ill-treatment while in detention;
Ensure their son and other members of their family are not subjected to harassment and threats.
Yours sincerely,

- 最新情報:
- 2024年3月25日 (更新情報)
- 更新履歴:
- 2021年2月25日 (更新情報)
- 2021年1月27日 (更新情報)
- 2020年8月28日 (更新情報)
- 2019年3月 2日 (更新情報)
- 2018年4月 9日
- 国名:
- 中国
- 対象者:
- 余文生(男性)
- 期限:
- 2024年4月30日
- 配信日:
- 2020年8月28日
- UA No:
- 019/2018
国家転覆扇動などの容疑に問われて勾留されている弁護士の余文生(Yu Wensheng)さんが6月17日、実刑4年と政治的権利のはく奪3年を言い渡された。8月14日には、1年半ぶりに弁護人との面会を認められたが、弁護人によると、虐待や暴行を受け、心身ともに憔悴していたという。
Dear Chief Li,
I am writing to express my grave concern for prominent human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng (余文生) and his wife Xu Yan(徐艳). The couple, both well-known activists in China, were taken into police custody while en route to the delegation of the European Union to China in Beijing on 13 April 2023, where they were to attend a meeting with the EU’s Ambassador to China. They were detained in Beijing Shijingshan Detention Centre from that date until January 2024, after which they were transferred to Suzhou Detention Centre in Jiangsu province, some 1000km away.
Yu and Xu were arrested for “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”, an overly broad crime which is widely used for targeting human rights defenders, journalists and dissidents. In October 2023, Yu Wensheng and Xu Yan were indicted on those charges, as well as an additional and more serious charge of “inciting subversion of state power.” There is no date set for their trial.
Xu Yan has reportedly lost 14kg since being detained and the conditions of her detention in Beijing may have constituted torture and other ill-treatment. She has been subjected to verbal abuse, including being intimidated by police who threatened to arrest her son if he undertakes advocacy on her and Yu’s case. Their son, who turned 18 just before their detention, has faced a serious deterioration of his mental health over the last year, and currently suffers from depression. Xu and Yu‘s transfer to Suzhou, nearly 1000km away from their home in Beijing, has exacerbated his isolation and the risk of further mental health impacts.
Yu Wensheng, a prisoner of conscience, and his wife Xu Yan are being detained solely for exercising their rights to freedom of expression.
I therefore call on you to:
Release both of them immediately and unconditionally, as they are being detained solely for peacefully exercising their human right to freedom of expression;
Pending their release, ensure they are not subjected to torture or other ill-treatment while in detention;
Ensure their son and other members of their family are not subjected to harassment and threats.
Yours sincerely,

- 最新情報:
- 2024年3月25日 (更新情報)
- 更新履歴:
- 2021年2月25日 (更新情報)
- 2021年1月27日 (更新情報)
- 2020年8月28日 (更新情報)
- 2019年3月 2日 (更新情報)
- 2018年4月 9日
- 国名:
- 中国
- 対象者:
- 余文生(男性)
- 期限:
- 2024年4月30日
- 配信日:
- 2021年1月27日
- UA No:
- 019/2018

江蘇省高級人民法院は昨年12月27日、国家転覆扇動などで実刑4年を受けた人権派弁護士の余文生(Yu Wensheng)さんの控訴審で、余さんの上訴を退けた。1月14日、3年ぶりにテレビ電話で話した妻によると、余さんは憔悴しきった様子だったそうだ。表現の自由の権利を行使しただけで拘束されている「良心の囚人」であり、当局は、余さんを即時無条件で釈放すべきだ。
Dear Chief Li,
I am writing to express my grave concern for prominent human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng (余文生) and his wife Xu Yan(徐艳). The couple, both well-known activists in China, were taken into police custody while en route to the delegation of the European Union to China in Beijing on 13 April 2023, where they were to attend a meeting with the EU’s Ambassador to China. They were detained in Beijing Shijingshan Detention Centre from that date until January 2024, after which they were transferred to Suzhou Detention Centre in Jiangsu province, some 1000km away.
Yu and Xu were arrested for “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”, an overly broad crime which is widely used for targeting human rights defenders, journalists and dissidents. In October 2023, Yu Wensheng and Xu Yan were indicted on those charges, as well as an additional and more serious charge of “inciting subversion of state power.” There is no date set for their trial.
Xu Yan has reportedly lost 14kg since being detained and the conditions of her detention in Beijing may have constituted torture and other ill-treatment. She has been subjected to verbal abuse, including being intimidated by police who threatened to arrest her son if he undertakes advocacy on her and Yu’s case. Their son, who turned 18 just before their detention, has faced a serious deterioration of his mental health over the last year, and currently suffers from depression. Xu and Yu‘s transfer to Suzhou, nearly 1000km away from their home in Beijing, has exacerbated his isolation and the risk of further mental health impacts.
Yu Wensheng, a prisoner of conscience, and his wife Xu Yan are being detained solely for exercising their rights to freedom of expression.
I therefore call on you to:
Release both of them immediately and unconditionally, as they are being detained solely for peacefully exercising their human right to freedom of expression;
Pending their release, ensure they are not subjected to torture or other ill-treatment while in detention;
Ensure their son and other members of their family are not subjected to harassment and threats.
Yours sincerely,

- 最新情報:
- 2024年3月25日 (更新情報)
- 更新履歴:
- 2021年2月25日 (更新情報)
- 2021年1月27日 (更新情報)
- 2020年8月28日 (更新情報)
- 2019年3月 2日 (更新情報)
- 2018年4月 9日
- 国名:
- 中国
- 対象者:
- 余文生(男性)
- 期限:
- 2024年4月30日
- 配信日:
- 2021年2月25日
- UA No:
- 019/2018
国家転覆扇動などで実刑4年を受けた人権派弁護士の余文生(Yu Wensheng)さんは1月26日、江蘇省の徐州市拘置所から南京刑務所に移された。南京は北京の自宅から1000キロ離れている。2月5日、移されたことを知って駆けつけてきた妻と30分間ビデオ通話で話すことができた。居室の環境はいくぶん良くなったが、必要な治療はまだ受けられず、栄養失調の兆候が続いているという。2年間の勾留中、4本の歯を失い、右手は神経が麻痺して文字を書けなくなった。このまま放置されると体調の悪化はさらに進むと思われる。余さんは、表現の自由の権利を行使しただけで拘束されている。当局は、余さんを即時無条件で釈放すべきだ。
Dear Chief Li,
I am writing to express my grave concern for prominent human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng (余文生) and his wife Xu Yan(徐艳). The couple, both well-known activists in China, were taken into police custody while en route to the delegation of the European Union to China in Beijing on 13 April 2023, where they were to attend a meeting with the EU’s Ambassador to China. They were detained in Beijing Shijingshan Detention Centre from that date until January 2024, after which they were transferred to Suzhou Detention Centre in Jiangsu province, some 1000km away.
Yu and Xu were arrested for “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”, an overly broad crime which is widely used for targeting human rights defenders, journalists and dissidents. In October 2023, Yu Wensheng and Xu Yan were indicted on those charges, as well as an additional and more serious charge of “inciting subversion of state power.” There is no date set for their trial.
Xu Yan has reportedly lost 14kg since being detained and the conditions of her detention in Beijing may have constituted torture and other ill-treatment. She has been subjected to verbal abuse, including being intimidated by police who threatened to arrest her son if he undertakes advocacy on her and Yu’s case. Their son, who turned 18 just before their detention, has faced a serious deterioration of his mental health over the last year, and currently suffers from depression. Xu and Yu‘s transfer to Suzhou, nearly 1000km away from their home in Beijing, has exacerbated his isolation and the risk of further mental health impacts.
Yu Wensheng, a prisoner of conscience, and his wife Xu Yan are being detained solely for exercising their rights to freedom of expression.
I therefore call on you to:
Release both of them immediately and unconditionally, as they are being detained solely for peacefully exercising their human right to freedom of expression;
Pending their release, ensure they are not subjected to torture or other ill-treatment while in detention;
Ensure their son and other members of their family are not subjected to harassment and threats.
Yours sincerely,
- 最新情報:
- 2024年3月25日 (更新情報)
- 更新履歴:
- 2021年2月25日 (更新情報)
- 2021年1月27日 (更新情報)
- 2020年8月28日 (更新情報)
- 2019年3月 2日 (更新情報)
- 2018年4月 9日
- 国名:
- 中国
- 対象者:
- 余文生(男性)、徐燕(女性)
- 期限:
- 2024年4月30日
- 配信日:
- 2024年3月25日
- UA No:
- 019/2018
2023年4月13日、著名な人権派弁護士の余文生(Yu Wensheng)さんと妻の徐燕 (Xu Yan)さんは、北京の欧州連合(EU)駐中国代表部に向かう途中、警察に身柄を拘束された。10月に2人は「喧嘩を売った」罪と「国家権力転覆扇動」罪で起訴され、今年1月、夫妻は北京の拘置所から江蘇省の拘置所に移された。徐さんは拘束されてから14kgも体重を落としたとされ、その拘束状況は拷問などの不当な扱いに当たる可能性がある。2人が拘束された当時、18歳だった息子は、その後精神的に不安定になり、現在はうつ病を患っている。
しかし、2023年4月13日、余さんと徐さんの2人は駐中国EU大使らとの会合に出席するために移動中に、身柄を拘束された。5月21日、家族は、2人が「喧嘩を売る行為とトラブルを引き起こす行為」で逮捕されたと警察から伝えられた。当局は、人権擁護者、活動家、ジャーナリストらの拘束にこの容疑を頻繁に適用してきた。10月、2人は 「喧嘩を売る行為」と 国家権力転覆扇動罪で起訴された。有罪の場合、どちらの刑期も最高5年で、「首謀した」とみなされれば、刑期が長くなる可能性がある。
Dear Chief Li,
I am writing to express my grave concern for prominent human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng (余文生) and his wife Xu Yan(徐艳). The couple, both well-known activists in China, were taken into police custody while en route to the delegation of the European Union to China in Beijing on 13 April 2023, where they were to attend a meeting with the EU’s Ambassador to China. They were detained in Beijing Shijingshan Detention Centre from that date until January 2024, after which they were transferred to Suzhou Detention Centre in Jiangsu province, some 1000km away.
Yu and Xu were arrested for “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”, an overly broad crime which is widely used for targeting human rights defenders, journalists and dissidents. In October 2023, Yu Wensheng and Xu Yan were indicted on those charges, as well as an additional and more serious charge of “inciting subversion of state power.” There is no date set for their trial.
Xu Yan has reportedly lost 14kg since being detained and the conditions of her detention in Beijing may have constituted torture and other ill-treatment. She has been subjected to verbal abuse, including being intimidated by police who threatened to arrest her son if he undertakes advocacy on her and Yu’s case. Their son, who turned 18 just before their detention, has faced a serious deterioration of his mental health over the last year, and currently suffers from depression. Xu and Yu‘s transfer to Suzhou, nearly 1000km away from their home in Beijing, has exacerbated his isolation and the risk of further mental health impacts.
Yu Wensheng, a prisoner of conscience, and his wife Xu Yan are being detained solely for exercising their rights to freedom of expression.
I therefore call on you to:
Release both of them immediately and unconditionally, as they are being detained solely for peacefully exercising their human right to freedom of expression;
Pending their release, ensure they are not subjected to torture or other ill-treatment while in detention;
Ensure their son and other members of their family are not subjected to harassment and threats.
Yours sincerely,