- 最新情報:
- 2021年4月19日
- 更新履歴:
- 2021年1月21日 (更新情報)
- 2020年12月25日 (更新情報)
- 2020年11月 3日
- 国名:
- 中国
- 対象者:
- 香港人12人(男女)
- 期限:
- 2021年7月30日
- 配信日:
- 2020年11月 3日
- UA No:
- 141/2020
鄭子豪(CHENG Tsz-ho)さん、張俊富(CHEUNG Chun-fu)さん、廖子文(LIU Tsz-man)さん、喬映瑜(QUINN Moon)さん、鄧棨然(TANG Kai-yin)さん、李子賢(LI Tsz-yin)さん、李宇軒(LI Yu-hin)さん、黃偉然(WONG Wai-yin)さんら12人は、8月23日に高速艇で香港を出発し、その後、中国沿岸警備隊員に拘束されていた。12人のうち2人は、18歳未満だ。
Dear Director Li:
I am writing to express my grave concern for Quinn Moon (乔映瑜) and Tang Kai-yin (邓棨然), who have been held without access to their families and family-appointed lawyers since August 2020. Sentenced to imprisonment in an unfair trial for “organizing other persons to secretly cross the border” (组织他人偷越国(边)境), Quinn and Tang are being held in Guangdong Province Women's Prison and Guangdong Province Conghua Prison, respectively.
I find it distressing to learn that the families of Quinn and Tang have received only one letter from each of them since they were transferred to prison in late January 2021. All requests from their families for direct communication with them, including video conversations, have so far been denied.
I am particularly concerned about their health and wellbeing. Quinn has depression and needs regular medication, while Tang also requires treatment for his asthma. Without access to their families or family-appointed lawyers, there is no way to know whether they are receiving adequate medical care while in prison.
I therefore call on you to immediately:
Ensure that Quinn Moon and Tang Kai-yin have regular and effective access to family and family-appointed lawyers without delay;
Allow Quinn Moon and Tang Kai-yin prompt, regular and unrestricted access to medical care on request or as necessary.
Yours sincerely,
- 最新情報:
- 2021年4月19日 (更新情報)
- 更新履歴:
- 2021年1月21日 (更新情報)
- 2020年12月25日 (更新情報)
- 2020年11月 3日
- 国名:
- 中国
- 対象者:
- 香港活動家12人(男女)
- 期限:
- 2021年7月30日
- 配信日:
- 2020年12月25日
- UA No:
- 141/2020
Dear Director Li:
I am writing to express my grave concern for Quinn Moon (乔映瑜) and Tang Kai-yin (邓棨然), who have been held without access to their families and family-appointed lawyers since August 2020. Sentenced to imprisonment in an unfair trial for “organizing other persons to secretly cross the border” (组织他人偷越国(边)境), Quinn and Tang are being held in Guangdong Province Women's Prison and Guangdong Province Conghua Prison, respectively.
I find it distressing to learn that the families of Quinn and Tang have received only one letter from each of them since they were transferred to prison in late January 2021. All requests from their families for direct communication with them, including video conversations, have so far been denied.
I am particularly concerned about their health and wellbeing. Quinn has depression and needs regular medication, while Tang also requires treatment for his asthma. Without access to their families or family-appointed lawyers, there is no way to know whether they are receiving adequate medical care while in prison.
I therefore call on you to immediately:
Ensure that Quinn Moon and Tang Kai-yin have regular and effective access to family and family-appointed lawyers without delay;
Allow Quinn Moon and Tang Kai-yin prompt, regular and unrestricted access to medical care on request or as necessary.
Yours sincerely,
- 最新情報:
- 2021年4月19日 (更新情報)
- 更新履歴:
- 2021年1月21日 (更新情報)
- 2020年12月25日 (更新情報)
- 2020年11月 3日
- 国名:
- 中国
- 対象者:
- 香港活動家10人
- 期限:
- 2021年7月30日
- 配信日:
- 2021年1月21日
- UA No:
- 141/2020
10人は2020年12月30日、深圳市人民法院で有罪判決を言い渡された。鄧棨然(TANG Kai-yin)さんと喬映瑜(QUINN Moon)さんは、秘密裏の越境計画の容疑でそれぞれ2年と3年の実刑、他の8人は秘密裏の越境で7カ月の実刑を言い渡された。12人のうちの2人は逮捕時、少年(18歳未満)だったため、香港警察に引き渡されるという。
Dear Director Li:
I am writing to express my grave concern for Quinn Moon (乔映瑜) and Tang Kai-yin (邓棨然), who have been held without access to their families and family-appointed lawyers since August 2020. Sentenced to imprisonment in an unfair trial for “organizing other persons to secretly cross the border” (组织他人偷越国(边)境), Quinn and Tang are being held in Guangdong Province Women's Prison and Guangdong Province Conghua Prison, respectively.
I find it distressing to learn that the families of Quinn and Tang have received only one letter from each of them since they were transferred to prison in late January 2021. All requests from their families for direct communication with them, including video conversations, have so far been denied.
I am particularly concerned about their health and wellbeing. Quinn has depression and needs regular medication, while Tang also requires treatment for his asthma. Without access to their families or family-appointed lawyers, there is no way to know whether they are receiving adequate medical care while in prison.
I therefore call on you to immediately:
Ensure that Quinn Moon and Tang Kai-yin have regular and effective access to family and family-appointed lawyers without delay;
Allow Quinn Moon and Tang Kai-yin prompt, regular and unrestricted access to medical care on request or as necessary.
Yours sincerely,
- 最新情報:
- 2021年4月19日 (更新情報)
- 更新履歴:
- 2021年1月21日 (更新情報)
- 2020年12月25日 (更新情報)
- 2020年11月 3日
- 国名:
- 中国
- 対象者:
- 鄧棨然と喬映瑜(いずれも男性)
- 期限:
- 2021年7月30日
- 配信日:
- 2021年4月19日
- UA No:
- 141/2020
昨年8月に香港から越境しようとして逮捕された12人のうちの2人、鄧棨然(TANG Kai-yin)さんと喬映瑜(QUINN Moon)さんは、公正な裁判を受けることなく昨年12月30日に判決が言い渡された。ほぼ8カ月の間、2人は家族や私選弁護人に面会することができていない。家族は面会を何度も求めたが、すべて認められなかった。2人には慢性疾患があり治療が必要なため、容態が非常に気がかりだ。
鄧棨然さん、喬映瑜さんを含む12人は、昨年8月23日に高速船で香港から脱出した後、中国海警局係官に逮捕された。不公正な裁判の後、鄧棨然さん、喬映瑜さんはそれぞれ3年と2年の実刑を言い渡された。罪は、秘密裏の越境計画だった。2人は1月末、刑務所へ送られた。12人のう8人は、秘密裏の越境の罪で7カ月の実刑判決を受け、その後、3月22日に香港警察に引き渡された。逮捕時少年(18歳未満)だった残る2人は、不起訴処分になり、12月30日に香港警察に引き渡された。香港警察に引き渡された10人のうち9人は、昨年中国海警局に逮捕される以前に香港で刑事告発されていたため拘束中だ。容疑は、反乱、警官への暴行、傷害の共謀などだった。李宇軒(Li Yu-hin)さんは、犯罪者の支援、武器の無許可所持、外国勢力と結託して国家の安全に危害を加えた容疑で起訴されている。
Dear Director Li:
I am writing to express my grave concern for Quinn Moon (乔映瑜) and Tang Kai-yin (邓棨然), who have been held without access to their families and family-appointed lawyers since August 2020. Sentenced to imprisonment in an unfair trial for “organizing other persons to secretly cross the border” (组织他人偷越国(边)境), Quinn and Tang are being held in Guangdong Province Women's Prison and Guangdong Province Conghua Prison, respectively.
I find it distressing to learn that the families of Quinn and Tang have received only one letter from each of them since they were transferred to prison in late January 2021. All requests from their families for direct communication with them, including video conversations, have so far been denied.
I am particularly concerned about their health and wellbeing. Quinn has depression and needs regular medication, while Tang also requires treatment for his asthma. Without access to their families or family-appointed lawyers, there is no way to know whether they are receiving adequate medical care while in prison.
I therefore call on you to immediately:
Ensure that Quinn Moon and Tang Kai-yin have regular and effective access to family and family-appointed lawyers without delay;
Allow Quinn Moon and Tang Kai-yin prompt, regular and unrestricted access to medical care on request or as necessary.
Yours sincerely,