UA No:


journalists Guhdar Zebari and Sherwan Sherwaniシャーワニさんとゼバリさんを含む5人は、2020年10月にクルド自治区政府の治安・諜報機関であるアサイッシュに逮捕された。5人は、外国機関によるスパイ行為とクルド労働者党への機密情報等の提供などの容疑で起訴され、2021年2月に極めて不当な裁判で禁錮6年の実刑判決を言い渡された。判決は、クルド自治区の法律と国の刑法に基づいてなされた。アムネスティはこの判決文の写しを検証した。いずれの法律も、国際法上は罪にならない行為に対しても訴追を可能にするような曖昧で拡大解釈ができる文言からなっている。


2021年4月、控訴裁判所は禁錮6年の一審判決を支持した。 裁判所は、拷問などの虐待を受けたとする被告の主張を証拠不十分で退ける一方、検察側が主張する訴因は認めた。

昨年3 月 、クルド自治政府のネチルヴァン・バルザーニ大統領は、ジャーナリストと活動家の刑を減刑し、2人を除く他の3人は今年3月に釈放された。シャーワニさんは、刑期を半減され9月9日に、ゼバリさんは60%減刑され3月16日に、それぞれ釈放されるはずだった。しかし、ゼバリさんは、釈放直前に、自身の車のロゴを大宇からトヨタに替えたことが刑法違反にあたるとして、7カ月の刑を追加された。ゼバリさんの弁護人は、「被告人が車を購入したときにはロゴは取り替えられていた。訴追は収監を延長するための口実だ」との声明を出した。



  • 2人を直ちに釈放するとともに、彼らの表現の自由の権利を尊重する。
  • 恣意的な逮捕や起訴・収監を恐れることなく、ジャーナリストが職務を果たせるようにする。


Dr. Dindar Zebari

KRG Coordinator Office for International Advocacy
Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Email: dindar.zebari@gov.krd

Dear Dr. Zebari,

I am writing to demand the immediate release of journalists Guhdar Zebari and Sherwan Sherwani, who have been imprisoned since October 2020 following a grossly unfair trial. As their release dates became imminent, the prosecution charged them with additional spurious crimes intended to keep them behind bars. Before their arrest, Sherwani and Zebari’s journalism focused on human rights, freedom of expression and corruption issues in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Zebari was scheduled for release on 16 August 2023, but was informed that day by the KR-I’s primary security and intelligence agency, the Asayish, that he was being detained on new charges. He began a hunger strike on the same day and has been on hunger strike since. On 23 August 2023, the Asayish informed him that he was being charged for possession of an unlicensed weapon, in violation of Article 15 of Law No.2 which was passed in 2022. Zebari’s lawyers told Amnesty International that security agents found an unlicensed antique hunting weapon in his sister’s home at the time of his arrest, but the lawyers also noted that it was not illegal at that time for the weapon to be unlicensed.

Sherwani was scheduled for release on 9 September, but on 20 July, the Erbil Criminal Court sentenced him to an additional four years in prison on charges related to falsifying Zebari’s signature on a petition to the Erbil Adult Reform Prison, where Sherwani and Zebari are currently being held, while Zebari was in solitary confinement. The petition requested that the prison authorities disregard a prior request for conditional release because they believed the request would be unlikely to succeed. At Sherwani’s hearing, Zebari confirmed that he had given Sherwani consent to sign the petition on his behalf.

Both journalists have been imprisoned since 7 October 2020 and were sentenced in February 2021 to 6 years imprisonment along with three other activists on charges of espionage based on overbroad and vaguely defined laws. Their trial was marred by serious fair trial and due process violations. In February 2022, KR-I President Nechirvan Barzani commuted half of Sherwani’s sentence and sixty per cent of the sentences of Zebari and the three activists. The other three activists, Hariwan Issa, Ayaz Karam and Shvan Saeed, were released in March of this year.

I urge you to immediately release Sherwan Sherwani and Guhdar Zebari, respect the right to freedom of expression and ensure that journalists are able to do their jobs without fear of arbitrary arrest, prosecution and imprisonment.

Yours sincerely,

