2021年8月 4日
2021年8月 4日
UA No:



ミジマ社は3月27日に告訴され、ティンティンアウンさんらは4月8日に逮捕された。容疑は、誇張された虚偽の情報をミジマ社で出版・放送し、市民の不安を煽り、抗議参加者と保安部隊の衝突を引き起こし、社会に恐怖心を与えたことだという。有罪になれば、最大3 年の刑を言い渡される可能性がある。逮捕後、2週間にわたり拷問を受けた後、4月21日に刑務所に移送された。 





  • クーデター以降、恣意的に拘禁されているティンティンアウンさんら平和的に権利を行使していた人たちを全員、直ちに無条件で釈放し、訴追を取り下げる。
  • 拘束中は、必要な治療を施し、人道的理由で保釈する。
  • 抑圧的な刑法の適用を停止し、市民の逮捕や起訴、投獄をやめる。


Dr Thida Oo
Union Attorney General Office 
Fax:+ 95 67 404106 
Email: ago.h.o@mptmail.net.mm

Dear Union Attorney General Dr Thida Oo,

I am writing to express my grave concern about the prosecution of Thin Thin Aung, who has been targeted simply for her connection to news outlet Mizzima, which has reported on the Myanmar coup and subsequent human rights violations by security forces. She is among the more than 5,200 individuals who are in detention simply for the peaceful exercise of their rights to freedom of expression, association andassembly. I urge you to ensure the immediate and unconditional release of her and thousands of others who remain arbitrarily detained across Myanmar.

Thin Thin Aung was arrested in Yangon on, 8 April 2021 and is facing up to three years in prison under Section 505 (a) of the Penal Code. She was accused of “inciting public unrest” and “causing fear” with materials Mizzima has published since its license was revoked on 8 March, even though she had resigned from her role as Director of Mizzima on 4 February.

I am alarmed that media workers, as well as peaceful activists, human rights defenders, medical workers, political opponents, and critics of the military, continue to be targeted for arrest, detention, prosecution and imprisonment on politically-motivated grounds. It is imperative that Myanmar respects and protects the right to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly along with other human rights, in line with its obligations under international law.

While I appreciate that over 2,300 prisoners were released on 30 June, Thin Thin Aung and thousands of others remain in arbitrary detention. It is distressing to learn that reports of enforced disappearances, torture and other ill-treatment and deaths in custody continue to emerge.

I am further worried about Thin Thin Aung’s health in detention. Already suffering from a chronic condition of asthma, she is at heightened risk in acrowded prison, which presents prime conditions for a Covid-19 outbreak.

Therefore, I call on you to:

  • Immediately and unconditionally release and drop charges against Thin Thin Aung and all individuals in detention simply for peacefully exercising their rights, including over 5,200 individuals who remain detained since 1 February;
  • Pending her unconditional release, ensure that Thin Thin Aung has full and regular access to the specialized medical treatment she may require and grant her bail on humanitarian grounds;
  • Stop using repressive laws, including Section 505 (a) of the Penal Code, to arrest, prosecute, or imprison people simply for peacefully exercising their rights.

Yours sincerely,

