UA No:

Buhazi, Waso, Tulinaboコンゴ民主共和国北キブ州キロシェで、市民団体「市民の目」の活動家クローデ・ラボシ・ブハージさん(32歳)、ファウーシン・オムベニ・ツュリナーボさん(26歳)、セーゲ・ミキンド・ワーソさん(33歳)は、キロシェ保健区の不適切な運営と違法な道路税に抗議する準備をしていた今年2月8日、逮捕され、3月2日に名誉棄損容疑で起訴された。11月16日の保釈申請は却下された。アムネスティは、直ちに無条件で釈放することを要求する。


3人の出廷は、5月10日の予定だったが、1週間前に発令された緊急事態措置で、審理を一般法廷から軍事法廷に移されることになり、出廷して名誉毀損容疑で正式に起訴されたのは11月19日だった。名誉棄損罪の刑期は、8日から1年までにもかかわらず、3人はすでに9 カ月間も勾留されている。





  • 表現の自由の権利を行使しただけの3人を直ちに釈放する。
  • 国際法が定める独立性と公正さが保障されない軍事法廷での民間人の審理をやめる。
  • 平和的抗議や政府批判を弾圧・処罰する手段である名誉毀損規定の適用を停止する。


Lieutenant-General Constant Ndima
Governor of North Kivu
Email: secretariat.cab.gp.nk@gmail.com

Dear Governor,

I would like to bring to your attention Claude Lwaboshi Buhazi (32), Faustin Ombeni Tulinabo (26) and Serge Mikindo Waso (33), three activists arrested on 18 February 2021 in Kirotshe, Masisi territory, North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), who have since been arbitrarily detained in connection with their peaceful human rights activism.

On 18 February, the three activists were planning a peaceful protest over “illegal road taxation” and allegations of mismanagement in the Kirotshe health district. The three members of the citizen movement, Jicho la Raiya (The Eye of the Citizens) were accused of “malicious accusations” against the then head of Kirotshe health district and a construction company in charge of roads maintenance in the area. On 2 March, they were transferred to the Goma Central Prison, in North Kivu province’s capital, awaiting trial. Their initial appearance before a magistrate was only scheduled on 10 May under file number RP 2210. But because of the State of Siege announced on 6 May, and the transfer of criminal offenses from civilian to military courts, they were only presented before a magistrate and formally charged on 19 November. They have now spent over nine months in custody when the defamation offense they are accused of is punishable only from eight days to one year in prison.

Amnesty International believes that Claude Lwaboshi Buhazi, Faustin Ombeni Tulinabo and Serge Mikindo Waso’s prosecution and continued detention amount to a travesty of justice. Their plans to peacefully protest against “illegal taxation”, allegations of mismanagement of the Kirotshe health district and poor service delivery is a right under international and national laws. Their actions should be encouraged and not suppressed so that all people are able to hold authorities accountable for improving access to critical services such as health.

I call on you to order the three activists’ immediate release, as they are being detained solely in connection with the peaceful exercise of their right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. I also call on you to stop the prosecution of civilians before military courts, as they do not guarantee independence and impartiality under international human rights law, and to halt the use of defamation laws as a repressive tool to silence and punish peaceful dissent and critical voices.

Yours sincerely,
