2022年11月21日 (更新情報)
2022年6月17日 (更新情報)
2022年4月 4日
UA No:

Salah Hammouriフランス系パレスチナ人弁護士のサラー・ハモウリさんは、イスラエル当局による起訴も裁判もない行政拘禁に置かれてきた。行政拘禁の更新に抗議して19日間続けていたハンストをやめた。ハモウリさんは2002年以降、エルサレムの居住資格を取り消す措置や行政拘禁など、イスラエル当局による執拗な嫌がらせを受けてきた。同じく拘禁されている他のパレスチナ人とともに、ハンストに対する罰として外部との接触を断たれ、不潔極まりない独房で15日間を過ごした。当局は、起訴しないのであればハモウリさんを直ちに釈放するべきであり、彼のエルサレム居住資格の維持と人権活動を認めるべきだ。








  • 国際的に定められている罪状で速やかに起訴しないなら、行政拘禁下にあるハモウリさんを含む人びと全員を即時釈放する。
  • ハモウリさんに対し、報復を受けることなくエルサレムに住み続ける権利を認める。


Minister of Defense, Benny Gantz
Ministry of Defense
37 Kaplan Street, Hakirya
Tel Aviv 61909, Israel
Fax: 972-3-6916940
Email: bgantz@knesset.gov.il
Twitter: @gantzbe

Dear Minister,

I am writing to express grave concern at the punitive arbitrary detention, without charge or trial, and ongoing harassment of French-Palestinian lawyer Salah Hammouri. On 7 March 2022 he was arrested and on 10 March 2022, the Military Commander of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) in the occupied West Bank issued a three-month administrative order, extending his detention without charge or trial until 6 June 2022 and without any means to effectively challenge the detention. The detention order was renewed twice since then, most recently on 4 September 2022, merely hours before Salah Hammouri’s expected release, and is now set to expire on 4 December 2022.

During this period, on 26 July 2022 the Israeli Prison Services forcibly transferred Salah Hammouri to Hadarim prison after classifying him as a high-risk security prisoner (also known as “Sagav” in Hebrew). The transfer occurred shortly after he wrote an open letter to French President Emmanuel Macron, raising concern that he was being punished for his peaceful activism. On 25 September 2022, Salah Hammouri went on hunger strike together with 29 Palestinian administrative detainees to protest Israel’s widespread and systematic use of this cruel and unjust form of detention. As punishment for his hunger strike, on 28 September 2022, he was moved into solitary confinement in a dirty isolation cell measuring only four-square metres, without access to open air or light for 15 days and deprived of any contact with the outside world.

Furthermore, I remain concerned that Salah Hammouri faces a real risk of deportation following Israeli authorities’ actions since September 2020 to revoke his permanent residency status, with his administrative detention order being used against him to expedite actions towards his forcible deportation. According to his lawyer, while Salah Hammouri was in solitary confinement, he was pressured by Israeli prison officials, who told him that if he accepted to leave Jerusalem and go to France, he would be released.

I urge you to immediately release Salah Hammouri and all others who have been placed under administrative detention, unless they are promptly charged with an internationally recognizable crime and tried in proceedings that adhere to international fair trial standards. I urge the authorities to ensure that he is allowed to keep his residency status in Jerusalem and continue with his human rights work without fear of reprisals.

Yours sincerely,
