2024年3月 7日
UA No:


Anas al-Beltagyアナス・アルベルタギーさん(30)の父親は、著名なムスリム同胞団指導者で元国会議員のモハメド・アルベルタギーだ。その息子だというだけで、10年以上も不当に拘束されてきた。裁判所が4つの裁判で無罪判決を下し、5つ目の事件では裁判官が仮釈放を決定した。にもかかわらず、アルベルタギーさんはでっちあげのテロ関連事件に関する6つ目の容疑の捜査が終わるまで、公判前勾留が続く。2013年12月に逮捕されて以来、アルベルタギーさんは、強制失踪、殴打、長期の独房監禁、医療の否定など数々の人権侵害を受けてきた。








  • アナス・アルベルタギーさんを、即時かつ無条件で釈放し、すべての訴追を取り下げる。
  • 釈放されるまでは、被拘禁者の処遇に関する国際基準を満たす条件下で拘束し、家族、弁護人らとの定期的な面会と治療を認める。


President Abdelfattah al-Sisi
Office of the President
Al Ittihadia Palace
Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt
Email: p.spokesman@op.gov.eg
X: @AlsisiOfficial

Your Excellency,

Anas al-Beltagy, 30, has been arbitrarily detained for over 10 years solely because he is the son of prominent Muslim Brotherhood leader and former parliamentarian Mohamed al-Beltagy. Despite courts acquitting him of all charges in four separate cases and a judge’s decision to provisionally release him in a fifth case, he continues to be held in pre-trial detention pending investigations into a separate sixth case on similar spurious terrorism-related accusations. Since his arrest in December 2013, Anas al-Beltagy has been subjected to a catalogue of human rights violations including enforced disappearance and torture and other ill-treatment through beatings, prolonged solitary confinement and deliberate denial of healthcare.

As Anas al-Beltagy has been banned from any prison visits and other communication since 2017, his family and lawyers only have limited information about him, obtained during detention renewal hearings or through other prisoners. They have learned that since his transfer to the 10th of Ramadan prison, in Sharkiya governorate, on 8 June 2018, he has been held in solitary confinement and banned from exercising outdoors or interacting with other prisoners. During his last pretrial detention renewal hearing held via video link in November 2023, the judge interrupted him and his audio was muted as he was complaining about his ongoing unjust detention, poor prison conditions, denial of visitations rights, and restrictions on obtaining books and other reading material. Since September 2023, some prisoners held for political reasons in the 10th of Ramadan Prison refused to attend online pretrial detention renewal hearings in protest at their inability to meaningfully challenge the legality of their detention and violations of their fair trial rights including the right to adequate defence. During online hearings, defence lawyers are present in the courtroom with the judges, while the defendant is connected from a room in the prison in the presence of security officials. Lawyers frequently complain of technical problems during online hearings, including poor connectivity and their inability to adequately hear defendants.

In light of the above, I urge you to ensure that Anas al-Beltagy is immediately and unconditionally released and all charges against him are dropped as they are brought solely because of his family links and the exercise of his human rights. Pending his release, I call on you to ensure that he is held in conditions meeting international standards for the treatment of prisoners and granted regular access to his family, lawyers and adequate healthcare.

Yours sincerely,

