UA No:


Mariano García Calatayudカラタユさんは2022年、ロシアによる占領に抗議する活動に参加した後、3月19日にヘルソンで行方不明になった。ロシア軍に拘束された多くの民間人と同様、カラタユさんもロシア占領下のクリミアに移送され、隔離拘禁されている可能性が強い。ロシア当局は今年4月、カラタユさんの拘束を公式に認めたが、拘束したことへの法的根拠は示さなかった。5月、ロシアの独立系メディアは、カラタユさんの体調の悪化や看守による拷問を伝える当時の複数の受刑者の発言を投稿した。





  • 誰が、どこで、どんな理由で拘束しているのか、などカラタユさんが置かれている状況を明らかにする。
  • 国際的に定められた犯罪で起訴され、公正な裁判で裁かれない限り、カラタユさんを釈放し、家族と再会できるようにする。また、本人が希望する所まで自由で安全な移動を保障する。
  • ロシア軍に拘束されたウクライナ人全員が置かれている状況を明らかにし、家族や弁護人と連絡が取れるようにする。また、法的根拠なく拘束されている人たちを直ちに釈放する。
  • ロシアの治安部隊や軍隊は、ウクライナ人の拉致をやめ、これまでの拉致に関わった当局責任者らを取り調べ、説明責任を果たさせる。


Krasnov Igor Viktorovich
Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation
ul. Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 15a, str. 1,
GSP-3, Moscow, 125993
Russian Federation

〒106-0041 東京都港区麻布台2丁目1−1
E-mail: tokyo@mid.ru

Dear Prosecutor General,

I am writing to demand the immediate disclosure of the fate, whereabouts and well-being of Mariano García Calatayud, a 75-year-old Spanish volunteer humanitarian worker who was abducted by the Russian forces while they were occupying Kherson, Ukraine, in March 2022. The correspondence between his lawyer and the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s Military Prosecutor’s Office confirms that for over a year, he was detained without charges, and that as of April 2023 he was held incommunicado in SIZO-2 detention centre in Simferopol. For a period of time, parcels ordered for him at this institution through the penitentiary service’s online system were apparently delivered. However, the last parcel sent in September was returned with a note that he was not among the inmates. A letter from the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s Military Prosecutor’s Office received by his lawyer and dated 4 December 2023 states that Mariano García Calatayud had “left the territory of the Republic of Crimea” and crossed into Kherson region on 1 June 2023, and that the Prosecutor’s Office has “no information about his whereabouts at present.” The letter does not mention that he was released from detention, nor that he “left” Crimea voluntarily, but states that he is not regarded as a missing person.

I am concerned about Mariano García Calatayud's life, and his physical and mental integrity. I am aware that he suffers from a serious heart condition, and that there are credible reports that he has been tortured and otherwise ill-treated in detention by the Russian penitentiary authorities.

I am writing to demand:

  • an immediate disclosure of the fate and whereabouts of Mariano García Calatayud, including information as to who is holding him, in what location and in what status, and his immediate contact with his family and a lawyer of his choice;
  • his immediate release and free and safe passage to a destination of his choice, so that he can be reunited with his family, unless he is charged with an internationally recognizable criminal offence and tried according to international fair trial standards;
  • an immediate disclosure of the fate and whereabouts of all persons from Ukraine detained by the Russian forces, their immediate contact with their families and lawyers of their choice, and an immediate release of every person held in detention without legitimate legal grounds;
  • an end to the practice of enforced disappearances by members of Russian security and military forces, and effective investigation and full accountability of anyone responsible or complicit in it.

Yours sincerely,

