UA No:


Abdul-Baqi Saeed Abdoアブドさんは、2013年にイエメンでキリスト教への改宗を公表した後、解雇され、車を傷つけられた。2014年6月には自宅に放火され、その際、妻を亡くした。その2カ月後、アブドさんは4人の子どもとともにエジプトに逃れた。









  • 表現、良心、信念の自由の権利を行使しただけのアブドさんの拘束を解き、イエメンへの送還計画を中止する。
  • 釈放までの間、国際的な囚人の取り扱い基準に沿って対応する。
  • 家族、弁護人、国際連合難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)との接触を許可する。


Minister of Interior Mahmoud Tawfiq
Ministry of Interior
25, El Sheikh Rihan Street
Bab al-Louk, Cairo, Egypt
Fax: +202 2794 5529
Email: center@iscmi.gov.eg; E.HumanRightsSector@moi.gov.eg
Twitter: @moiegy

Dear Minister,

I write to express my concern about the arbitrary detention of Abdul-Baqi Saeed Abdo, a 54-year-old Yemeni asylum seeker held in Al-Qanater 1 prison, north of Cairo, and at risk of deportation. Security forces arrested Abdul-Baqi Saeed Abdo from his home on 21 December 2021, and forcibly disappeared him for two weeks, during which time the authorities refused to provide his family with any information about his fate and whereabouts. He was subsequently brought in front of the Supreme State Security Prosecution (SSSP), where a prosecutor ordered his pre-trial detention pending investigations on charges of "joining a terrorist group with knowledge of its purposes” and “defamation of the Islamic religion". These charges are in connection to his conversion to Christianity, about which he regularly posted on his social media platforms since fleeing from Yemen to Egypt in 2014. Since his arrest in December 2021, his pretrial detention has been extended without providing him with an opportunity to meaningfully challenge the lawfulness of his detention.

In July 2022, the Egyptian authorities issued a deportation order for Abdul-Baqi Saeed Abdo. If forcibly returned to Yemen, he would be at risk of arbitrary detention, torture and other ill-treatment, and death including through the imposition of the death penalty or killing by armed groups or non-state agents. According to Article 259 of the Yemeni Republican Decree for Law No. 12 for 1994, Concerning Crimes and Penalties, “Anyone who turns back from or denounces the religion of Islam, is punished by the death penalty after being questioned for repentance three times and after giving him a respite of thirty days. Apostasy in public by speech or acts is considered contradictory to the principles of Islam and its pillars in intention and determination. If the intention or determination is not established and the guilty shows repentance, there will be no punishment”. Given these provisions, and previous threats faced while in Yemen, Amnesty International's assessment is that his life would be at risk should he be deported to Yemen.

I urge you to immediately release Abdul-Baqi Saeed Abdo as his detention is linked solely to the exercise of his rights to freedom of expression, conscience and belief, and to halt any plans to deport him to Yemen, where he would be at real risk of persecution. Pending his release, he should be held in conditions meeting international standards for the treatment of prisoners, and granted immediate access to his family, lawyers and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Yours sincerely,

