UA No:







さらに電力、燃料、通信などの制限で人道状況はますます深刻化している。国連人道問題調整事務所(OCHA)によると、2023年10月11日以降、イスラエル当局が電力供給を打ち切り、ガザ唯一の発電所の燃料が尽き、ガザ地区全体が電力不足となっている。通信と産業用燃料が届かないため、救命措置ができないだけでなく、援助団体が人道危機状態を把握し、適切に対応することも阻害されている。 深刻な燃料不足で下水処理場が機能せず、環境と公衆衛生面で問題が発生しているが、衛生用品などの不足により、さらに問題は悪化している。





  • イスラエルが国際司法裁判所の判決を遵守し、国際法に従って緊急に必要とされる基本的サービスや人道的・医療的援助をガザ地区全域で提供できるよう、即時かつ実効性ある措置を取ることを求める。


Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister's Office
Email: mankals@pmo.gov.il

We are writing to express our grave concern over Israel’s failure to comply with the provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in response to the case brought by South Africa, in which the latter accused Israel of violating its obligations under the Genocide Convention in relation to Palestinian civilians in the occupied Gaza strip. In light of the real and imminent risk of genocide faced by Palestinians in Gaza, I urge you to ensure Israel implements all six provisional measures ordered by the Court, including for Israel to prevent the commission of acts proscribed by the Genocide Convention, to prevent and punish public and direct incitement to genocide and, crucially, to take immediate and effective measures to provide urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by civilians in the occupied Gaza Strip.

After four months of Israel’s relentless bombardment of the Gaza Strip, accompanied by the further tightening of the over 16-year-long illegal siege, civilians in Gaza are grappling with an apocalyptic humanitarian catastrophe. Civilians in Gaza are facing mass displacement, engineered famine and deliberate deprivation of basic services, including access to clean water and sanitation services, and contending with lack of adequate fuel supplies, which in Gaza is desperately needed to power hospitals, purify water and process food. The death toll continues to rise, with over 28,000 people killed, a further 10,000 missing under the rubble, and nearly 68,000 wounded, thousands of whom have been left with permanent disabilities. Over 1.7 million Palestinians, more than 85% of Gaza’s population, have been internally displaced at least once; 2.2 million people are facing imminent risk of famine; infectious diseases are becoming increasingly prevalent due to successive waves of mass displacement, overcrowding, and lack of clean water and adequate hygiene. Supplies of humanitarian aid are scarce and woefully insufficient, particularly to the many in catastrophic need in northern Gaza.

Restricting the delivery of essential humanitarian aid and the ongoing attacks on hospitals are not only a violation of the provisional measures that the ICJ ordered Israel to take; they also constitute a breach of Israel’s legal obligations, as the occupying power, under international humanitarian law.

In light of the real and imminent risk of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza and to prevent the deterioration of the humanitarian catastrophe even further, I urge the State of Israel to comply with the ICJ ruling and to take immediate and effective steps to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian and medical aid across the entire Gaza Strip as required by international law.

Yours Sincerely,
