UA No:


Sonia Dahmaniソニアさんは、当局に対して批判的なコメントをしたため、5件の訴追を受けることになった。2023年11月、ラジオ番組で刑務所の状況を批判したことが原因で、刑務所総局から訴えられ、捜査判事に召喚された。別の件では、チュニジア当局を批判し、「人を刑務所に入れることが業績ではない」と話したため、法相に訴えられ、2024年1月に捜査判事に再度召喚された。








  • ダマニさんを即時無条件で釈放し、不当な有罪判決と刑罰を取り消し、根拠のない刑事捜査を中止する。
  • 釈放されるまで、家族や弁護人との面会を認め、必要な医療を受ける権利を保障し、国際基準に適合した収容環境に置くよう求める。


President of the Republic Kais Saied
Route de la Goulette
Site archéologique de Carthage, Tunisie
Email: contact@carthage.tn
Twitter: @TnPresidency

Your Excellency,

I write to you to express my grave concern over the prolonged unjust imprisonment of Tunisian lawyer Sonia Dahmani. She is imprisoned for exercising her right to freedom of expression including publicly criticising conditions of detention in Tunisian prisons as well as the ill-treatment of refugees and migrants in the country.

Following her public comments during her regular appearances on television and radio shows, Tunisian authorities have initiated five separate legal proceedings against her. She was convicted and sentenced to imprisonment in two cases. On 6 July 2024, the Tunis Court of First Instance sentenced Sonia Dahmani to a year in prison, reduced to eight months on appeal, for making an ironic comment during a TV show. On 24 October 2024, the same court sentenced her to an additional two years in prison in a separate case for highlighting racist and discriminatory practices in Tunisia. Both convictions were based on the draconian Decree-Law 2022-54 on Cybercrimes. Sonia Dahmani has three other pending cases, all relating to the exercise of her right to freedom of expression.

Sonia Dahmani is enduring cruel and inhuman conditions of detention in prison. She faces extreme temperature fluctuations, with freezing cold during the winter due to a broken window. Prison authorities refuse to allow her family to bring warm clothing or food, leading to malnutrition and significant weight loss. She has developed serious health issues, including diabetes, back pain, swelling in the legs and high blood pressure. Sonia Dahmani is also denied basic necessities and adequate healthcare like clean clothing and medication, while being subjected to humiliating treatment by prison guards. For instance, on 20 August 2024, ahead of her trial hearing, authorities subjected her to ahumiliating body search and forced nudity, in violation of her physical and psychological integrity. Sonia Dahmani shares her cell with four other detainees, including toilet facilities with no privacy. Hygiene is very poor, with limited access to hot water and an infestation of rats and insects in her cell.

I urge you to immediately and unconditionally release Sonia Dahmani, quash her unjust convictions and sentences and drop the baseless criminal investigations against her. Pending her release, she must be granted access to her family, lawyers and adequate healthcare and held in conditions that meet international standards for the treatment of prisoners.

Yours sincerely,

