UA No:


Yanette Bautista and Jean-Marie Druette, the political advisor of the French Embassyヤネット・バウティスタさんの妹ニディアさんは、1987年にコロンビア国軍XX旅団による強制失踪を受けた。バウティスタさんと家族は、何年も妹を探し、また容疑者を摘発しない当局と闘い続けた。そんな中でバウティスタさんたちは、強制失踪の被害者を支援する財団を立ち上げた。







  • 検察は、FNEBや強制失踪被害者家族への脅迫やハッキング行為を捜査し、加害者の特定と訴追に向け、あらゆる手立てを講じる。
  • 人権擁護活動家や強制失踪被害者を探す人たちが今後、同様の攻撃や脅迫を受けないようにする。


Luz Adriana Camargo
Attorney General
Attorney General’s Office
Avenida Calle 24 No. 52 – 01
Bogotá D.C.
Email: direccion.derechoshumanos@fiscalia.gov.co

Dear Attorney General,

I am writing to express my deep concern with the continued threats and attacks against women searching for victims of enforced disappearance in Colombia, particularly the Fundación Nydia Erika Bautista (FNEB). Amnesty International has received information regarding intimidation acts against them and the women supported by them, and hacking attempts directed at their information systems. On 24 October, in the context of an invitation-only event for the commemoration of the Women Searchers Day held in Bogotá, the organization got aware of the presence of people strange to them and to the authorities invited to the event. After being asked to identify themselves or leave, they gave unsatisfactory explanations and refused to leave. That same day, FNEB director, Yanette Bautista, received two emails on behalf of “FNEB Support Team”, claiming a change of password was required. The actual FNEB technical support team determined that these were hacking attempts directed at FNEB institutional email address.

Amnesty International has documented the risks faced by those who defend human rights in Colombia since 2020 and has detailed the international obligations that authorities in the Americas have regarding the protection of women searchers. It has also stressed out the dire situation these women face in the region and the kind of human rights violations they endure. FNEB has been subjected to different risks, threats and attacks in the past and I am concerned that the response by the Attorney General’s Office seems to be insufficient, given that no person has been brought to justice for these acts.

These intimidation acts and hacking attempts against FNEB come at a time where supposed new information has been being delivered to the Attorney General’s Office and the Special Jurisdiction for Peace regarding the enforced disappearance of Nydia Erika Bautista in August 1987. I urge you to exercise the utmost diligence in effectively fulfilling the Attorney General’s Office’s duty to investigate these acts, establish who is responsible for them and bring them to justice in fair trials to prevent further attacks to those who defend human rights and search for victims of enforced disappearance.

Yours sincerely,

