インタビュー: 石油大手会社シェブロンと闘う弁護士 スティーブン・ドンジガー氏




スティーブン・ドンジガー氏は、人権と環境問題を専門に、アメリカで弁護士として活躍されています。1964年から28年に渡り、石油大手会社シェブロンは、エクアドルをはじめ、アマゾン地域に石油を違法投棄。周辺地域に甚大な環境汚染と、健康被害をもたらしました。1993年以来、ドンジガー氏はアマゾン地域の先住民族を代表し、シェブロン社に対する集団訴訟のために尽力。2011年には、ドンジガー氏率いる原告側が勝訴しました。しかし、シェブロンは報復として、ドンジガー氏を起訴。ドンジガー氏は、法廷侮辱罪に問われ、6カ月の禁固刑を言い渡されました。2022年4月25日に、ドンジガー氏は自宅軟禁を終えています。(詳しくは:USA: ENVIRONMENTAL LAWYER UNDER HOUSE ARREST / Steven Donziger Is Finally Free. Onward Toward Justice for the People of Ecuador!)




自身の無罪を晴らすため、ドンジガー氏は、米国政府に調査を要求しています。アムネスティ・インターナショナルも、国連の恣意的拘禁作業部会 (United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention) と協力し、米国政府に対し、彼の拘束に至った経緯を精査するよう求めています。(Read USA: ENVIRONMENTAL LAWYER UNDER HOUSE ARREST



ドンジガー氏はインタビューで、アメリカにおけるマスコミと石油産業の歪な関係性を指摘しました。例えば、ドンジガー氏の釈放は、Democracy Nowをはじめ、いくつかの独立系メディアによって放送されました。一方で、化石燃料産業の広告に依存する多くのメディアには、取り上げられなかったそうです。その背景には、不平等なアメリカの社会構造がありました。





人権擁護活動家として、ドンジガー氏は "ソリダリティー "(Solidarity: 連帯、連帯感)という言葉に特別な思いがあるそうです。人権活動家が、自身のメンタルヘルスを維持しながら、権力に立ち向かうためにはソリダリティーが必要。ソリダリティーとは、「自分のそばにいて、自分を助け、自分の感情とつながっている人々のこと。」とドンジガー氏。人権活動家として活動している際、また自身が勾留された時に、アムネスティからのソリダリティーを、ドンジガー氏は感じていたそうです。インタビュー中、ドンジガー氏はアムネスティの世界各国のサポーター、そして、彼の解放に大きく貢献したキャンペーナーのアリ・ジャラール氏(ワシントンD.C.)に感謝の意を表しました。多くの支持者の存在を、アムネスティの活動によってアメリカ当局に示すことができたと話してくださいました。




開催日 2022年8月21日(日)
開催方法 オンライン(Google Meet)
主催 アムネスティ・インターナショナル日本


Interview- A Frontline Human Rights Advocate, Mr Steven Donziger

2022. 08.21
Mayu Taniguchi, Blog contributor
Amnesty International Japan

On May 27th, 2022, Amnesty International Japan invited Steven Donziger, a frontline human rights advocate in New York, to the online workshop designed for youth. The central theme of this event was to deepen the understanding of enduring environmental issues in Ecuador and corporate social responsibility (CSR). On a side note, Steven Donziger is an American human rights lawyer who initiated the class-action lawsuit against Chevron on behalf of the indigenous communities in the Amazon rainforests. They stood up for Chevron's illegal oil dumping, which caused serious environmental degradation and health problems. Although they won the case, Donziger was prosecuted, charged with "contempt of court," and sentenced to six months in jail. (Read more: USA: ENVIRONMENTAL LAWYER UNDER HOUSE ARREST and Steven Donziger Is Finally Free. Onward Toward Justice for the People of Ecuador!) Throughout the seminar, Donziger shared his story of the legal battle with Chevron and encouraged the youth to take action to tackle a series of social injustices as global citizens. After the seminar, I was fortunate to have an interview with Steven Donziger. The dialogue revealed his feelings, just like us as ordinary citizens, concerns about the future of democracy, and his special sentiment about Amnesty International.

The End of the Home Arrest

After 1000 days of unjustified detention, Steven Donziger was finally released on April 25th, 2022. He clearly remembers the very first thing he did after the release- having lunch at a restaurant with his wife. Afterwards, he had the "Free parade" on the street in front of his apartment building. His lawyers, journalists, and actors, including Susan Sarandon, came to celebrate what they had accomplished together. He described the event as uplifting and recalled that he was amazed to see many of his supporters who contributed to releasing him from detention.
Nevertheless, his release does not mean the end of the legal battle with Chevron or the complete return to his peaceful life. Donziger is still deprived of his fundamental rights- He's got a suspension of his passport and the licence to work as a lawyer. He is also still concerned for his safety. Chevron might go through the same routine as they did in 2011, cooperating with prosecutors and arbitrarily convicting human rights activists for something that is not a crime. Donziger has also demanded an investigation for his case to be corrected and addressed by the US government. In collaboration with the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Amnesty International also urges the US government to scrutinise the circumstances that led to his detention (Read USA: ENVIRONMENTAL LAWYER UNDER HOUSE ARREST).
One can not fully swallow Donziger's dramatic story as it has been happening in the United States, a country widely known for its freedom and democracy. Despite its public image, Donziger warns about the deterioration of democracy in the US.

Is A Country of Democracy in Crisis?

Donziger also mentioned the complicated relationship between the media and the fossil fuel industry in the US. Indeed, several independent media outlets, namely Democracy Now, covered his release from home arrest. However, most of the media, dependent upon the advertising of the fossil fuel industry, continued to ignore his story.
Donziger also foresaw the future of democracy in the US, pointing out the structural corruption that only benefits those with wealth. He explained the underlying dynamic that people with money hire many lobbyists to influence the government in their direction, and people with little money cannot hire any. Consequently, there is a natural drift toward helping the sectors of the economy with capital at the expense of others. As such, he added that the rule of the majority, the fundamental principle of democracy, is decaying in the US. While some civic activists devote themselves to making an egalitarian society by challenging the power, other deep pockets, including large corporations, do not want the government to reflect the world of the people in a way that diminishes their profit. As a result, the inequitable social structure can not be addressed, leading to a "Corrosion of faith," in the words of Donziger. He also maintained that his case was a "manifestation of this trend- having a corporation directly prosecuting someone and locking them up is an attack on democracy itself."
Does the story that Donziger shared really have nothing to do with us? Is it only about the US? The peculiar symptoms brought about by neoliberal capitalism have prevailed almost all over the world, being complicit in political corruption and chronic inequalities. As global citizens, Donziger strongly encouraged us to be alert to the government and ensure it properly functions to protect citizens, our interests, and our rights.

Solidarity and the Amnesty International

"The support from Amnesty International was absolutely vital to my survival," Donziger repeated during the interview. Amnesty International issued three urgent action bulletins and launched a letter-writing campaign, drawing considerable attention from the world. He also believes he was treated with respect in prison mainly because the prison authority knew Amnesty International had his back. Most importantly, his imprisonment of six months was significantly reduced to 45 days, allowing him to finish the rest of his sentence at home. Donziger especially expressed his gratitude to the campaigner, Alli Jarrar, who mainly took on the responsibility of his case in Washington, DC. He also thanked all branches of Amnesty International, saying, "All of this helped because it conveys to the US authorities that there are supporters around the world."
As a human rights advocate, Donziger sees in the word "Solidarity." He emphasised that solidarity is the only way human rights activists can maintain their emotional health while tackling the power that collectively attempts to destroy them.

"Solidarity is people who are with you, helping you, connecting with your emotions... I feel solidarity from Amnesty, around the world, and in Japan in particular, is something I feel in my heart and something that is just extremely important in my doing this work."
-Steven Donziger

Final words from Steven Donziger

Donziger concluded with encouraging messages to the Amnesty International community. He mentioned that many lawyers and frontline advocates around the world are locked up for political reasons, calling for support from Amnesty International. Without the activities of Amnesty International, a lot of them are lost, forgotten about, and ultimately silenced.
"So Amnesty International Supporters are critically important to protect freedom around the world. Keep doing what you are doing. Thank you for what you do, particularly me and my family." -Steven Donziger